This makes me smile (whether it has a smile printed on the box or not). Reminds me of Happy Meals when I was a kid. I personally love he box over the boring sacks!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
This makes me smile (whether it has a smile printed on the box or not). Reminds me of Happy Meals when I was a kid. I personally love he box over the boring sacks!
Another shot of Zoya Tomoko. Trying to give an idea of how super sparkly it is. (Why do my hands look so pink?! My friend Suzy calls it "lobster hands." The curse of skin with very pink undertones.)
This is Tomoko, one of the new Zoya PixieDust polishes. It reminds me some of my favorite China Glaze I'm Not Lion, but it is missing the holo sparkle. Very sparkly, though!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
I love seeing the Halloween spin on traditional Easter candy. It amuses me to no end, and I think it is very creative.
Another angle of When Stars Collide. This really shows off the holographic nature of the polish.
More nails. This is China Glaze When Stars Collide, a dark purple linear holographic nail polish. It is a fantastic color on its own, and the holo just puts it over the top. Love!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
This is why Red Lobster makes me crazy. They have at least four (small) groups of people waiting out front, mostly parties of 3-6 people, yet the section we are sitting in has at least four empty tables that I can see from where I am sitting. WHY are there people waiting with this many empty tables inside?!
And a different angle of Ice Dream. (Sorry. I told you, I was really bad about pictures this month!)
And here is Sinful Colors Ice Dream in action. Tiny white-silver glitter with larger blue hex glitter. I really like it!
Some new nail color purchases, all from the Sinful Colors holiday line. These are (L-R): Charmed, Gilded, Ice Dream
More missed picture days. Here is a close up of my red fabric selections for my quilt piecing project. I need to get 2-3 more patterns, but it's harder than you think to find reds that are of the same shade of red and look nice together!
Monday, January 20, 2014
And another view/angle of the Orly Grape Glitz. Quite a pretty color, but more sheer than I generally like.
Double show off picture: Orly Grape Glitz on my nails, and an Urban Decay eyeliner in Gunmetal, a gift from a friend. Thanks, Cheryl!
Sorry, another crummy phone picture. This is one of two cats who have apparently adopted our yard/porch/deck as their own. Not sure if they belong to anyone, and we don't feed them, but they sure like to hang out at our place when we're not home.
I love the variety of colors and textures of these plants outside the Bank of America building in downtown Atlanta. (Wish I'd had my real camera with me instead of just my phone.)
Hmm, I'm not sure I want to open a box that looks like that. (Have you seen the movie SE7EN?!!)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
And my Star Wars sticky notes in action. Seeing this first thing this morning really made me smile!
I was wearing my favorite bracelet today, and it was creating these sparkle reflections on he ceiling and sun visor. I never did really get the shot I wanted, with the rainbow effect showing.
More nails (sorry, you will get lots of nails this month, including multiple angles of the same ones!). This is Zoya Kierra. I truly love this color! Dark dark pink, almost red, with a purple flash. It truly glows!
My previous quilt piecing efforts used fabric sent to me by some wonderful friends. Above is my first personal fabric purchase for a quilt project. I was very forcibly reminded of going fabric shopping with my grandmother while doing this. Miss you, Granny!
My mom gave me these Leia Angry Birds sticky notes. I think they are hilariously adorable!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
With Bengal gone, Star has taken on the responsibility of being as "helpful" as possible while DH is using the computer in the evenings. (Also, yay for not being a quilt piecing picture!)
And what I've pieced so far, with a USA quarter for scale (which is about 1 inch/2.5 cm across, roughly the same size as a 1 euro coin, a Canadian loonie, or an Australian one dollar coin.
See? More quilt pictures. The light stitches show up better on these two dark hexagons. I know they're not very even, but A) I'm still learning, and B) this is the back, so no one will ever see or know.
The back side of my very first English paper pieced project. I was trying to show the tiny stitches, in scale with my fingers.
Stay tuned for more quilt pictures that look a lot like this one. I did a terrible job of taking pictures during the month of September. I missed at least 10 days, and the days I did take pictures, they were multiple shots/angles of the same thing. So apologies if a lot of these look the same! It should be fairly easy to tell which days I didn't take pictures, since they will look remarkably similar to earlier shots. So sorry.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
I didn't actually have a picture for today (see kidney stone sending me to the hospital yesterday; I slept most of today), so here's a cute picture of "the girls" from earlier in the month. Not sure what caught Star's attention (sorry for the blur), but she was definitely on alert.
Really, August? REALLY??!!!! You really thought, "hey, I know *just* what Erin needs to cap off her *wonderful* month: a kidney stone!" Thanks for nothing. At least I have Aragorn to keep me company.
My parents asked if they should still come this weekend after the sad events of this week. I said yes, they have to, since I've already made the banana pudding for my father's birthday, and we don't need to eat it all by ourselves! Of course, I then realized that I made it a day earlier than I intended. Hope it isn't too soggy by the time they get here.
Um, yes, I bought more polish. Of course I needed it! The box actually came a day or two ago, but I saved it for today to give me something pleasant to look forward to. Given that I selected these by looking at pictures online (and you never know how accurate they are), I think I chose very well. Only 1 or 2 I'm not sure about, and a couple that I was uncertain about turned out to be absolutely gorgeous.
This is probably the last picture I will ever take of Bengal. We will take him to the vet tomorrow and say goodbye forever. My heart is breaking.
After nearly a year and a half (Spring 2012 to Fall 2013), we are finally back at our old soccer rec league and even with many of our former teammates. It feels so good to be back! (Remind me I said that when I am grumbling about early morning soccer games in a few weeks.)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
And this is one of the polishes shown in yesterday's picture. You can't tell from this photo, but the glitter is actually holographic. So pretty! This is about as close to orange as I can safely get, but I do love the color.
Okay, so I *may* have done some online shopping while DH was out of town last weekend. My order arrived today. I only paid for the full sized polishes. Everything else, including the mini polish, came in that bag to the right as free samples. Nice!
More restaurant art, but I do genuinely like this painting, both on its own merits, and for the color and flow. I could see this making a great abstract watercolor-type quilt.
This is one of my all time favorite polishes. In fact, it would not surprise me to discover that it appears in a previous Project 365 picture from a past year. It is China Glaze's I'm Not Lion. So pretty, so sparkly, I just couldn't help but revisit this old favorite this week.
This is a painting that hangs at a restaurant we frequent. I don't really love the painting (though I don't mind it), but what I do love is the flow of the colors across the canvas. If I ever get really into this quilting thing, I might use this for palette inspiration.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Honestly, since I am doing this several
Ta-da! Aren't they pretty? It really is going fairly quickly (compared to some of the other crafts I do).
Finally starting to make hexagons out of the materials my friends sent me. This is the prep stage, where the individual hexagons are created. Then, we can proceed to actual piecing.
The 21st Century would like to welcome the Gaston family to the party! DH is on a business trip, so we tried Skype for the first time tonight. (Yes, I know.)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
And we're without power. Again. Had no idea what we were going to do tonight without light, and then I remembered my light wedge. I don't use it a ton anymore, but it sure does come in handy every now and then.
I really like the Zoya PixieDust collection. They wear really well, and they are super sparkly! This is Stevie, a nice classic light purple.
Whatever this long grassy plant is in our front yard, it always blooms into these pretty blue/purple stalk-ish flowers in the fall. Very pretty!
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