Sunday, January 29, 2012


This light has become the bane of our existence. First, who puts track lighting in the kitchen?! It is completely useless. We've wanted to change it out since we moved in. We were just about ready to have recessed can lights put in, and then the whole "the company is shutting down, so poof goes your job" thing happened. ::sigh:: As you can see, we now have two bulbs out, and for the life of us, we cannot figure out how to get them out!! I already hate it, I can't change the bulbs, let's just replace it with an inexpensive fixture until I get another job. Yeah, we can't figure out how to get it down. It *should* be coming down; we've changed light fixtures before. But it's holding firm, and we don't want to permanently damage something that is even more expensive to repair. Really don't want to call an electrician for something like this (would rather just put in the can lights if we're going to have to pay the "visit fee" for the electrician, but can't afford it). Guess I'll just live in a dark kitchen. ::grumble grumble::

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