Thursday, January 29, 2009


I know I've only been at it for 4 weeks now, but so far, it seems like I hit one day each week where it is late (nearly 11 PM now), and it suddenly occurs to me that I have no POD. In fact, I most likely have no photos of any sort, so I start looking frantically around the house to find something to "picture," as Luke would say. (See photos of Amazon packages, my new coat, and Legos for previous desperation subjects.) Today was such a day. At 10:45 PM, I had the sudden realization that I hadn't even taken the camera out of the case today. I wandered around the downstairs, looking at several things that could have been representative of the day. Then I spotted these. These are my mostest favoritest shoes in the world (yes, both pair, though I have a slight preference for the brown ones (on bottom) as they do not turn my feet black). My mother had to make me try them on, and then had to convince me that they were cute (they are). But cute or not, they are insanely comfortable, and I love them to death. The only thing I don't love about them is that they do not keep my feet warm when temps drop below about 60. So pretty much since November, they have been sitting in this spot, patiently awaiting the return of spring, and I am not-so-patiently waiting to wear them. Just a few more weeks!

P.S. For everyone wondering why they are here and not in a closet somewhere, it is because I do wear them, winter or summer, if I intend to spend a good deal of time in the kitchen. Too much standing and cooking in bare or sock feet makes me regret it, so I keep them downstairs "just in case."

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